Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wrong Impressions

Sometimes, our first impressions can be wrong. By a country mile. Sometimes we let things like appearance cause us to miss out on real talent. Too often, we favor the outside beauty and ignore the beauty on the inside.

One example of this is Susan Boyle, a singer on Britain's Got Talent. If you have 7 minutes, watch this video and see if it causes you to take inventory of your own biases. Most of us would never associate Susan with amazing talent. In many cases, she would never get in the door. And as you can see, that would be a loss indeed.

Have you ever been guilty of letting your first impression cause you to miss out on something special? Let's not ignore the greatness that lives INSIDE of all of us. That's Leader Business.


John Bishop said...

A huge, well needed reminder to all.

Frode H said...

She is a great example, but it also show how shallow people are. Another thing to be aware of is the impression made by others, 3rd. party people. When somebody talk bad about other people an alam bell goes of in my head and my ear drop down the bullshit filter. Nobody but me have the right to create MY opinion about other people. This have helped me to work great along with "impossible" team players. I do not allow other to color my opinions and that is a awsome skill. And I get to notice who badmouth who the most. Useful...

Dan Naden said...

Great post -- we can learn something from everyone we meet. We don't have all the answers, but we can piece together the truth by leveraging the expertise of many.