Sunday, November 29, 2015

Lead Change Through "Pain & Remedy"

A recent article from HBR highlights the importance of leaders providing context to facilitate change:  To Lead Change, Explain the Context.”

In our leadership programs, we talk about “Pain vs. Remedy.”  In other words, tell people the why before you talk about the change.  What is the pain?  Why do we need to change?  What if we don’t?  What are the good things that we are missing now, but that are possible in this new future?  How does this fit in the big picture?  Then, once you have their attention…go to the remedy.  What is the new way? 

No one likes pain!  Help them see it first before you introduce the solution!!  Provide context so the change of direction make sense!

Think about how you might highlight context this week for an important area of change in your team.  Talk about pain and remedy and see if you might “move the needle” a little more with people who more readily embrace the changes you seek!

P.S.  Leadership “Boot Camp” for Public Sector Leaders, 16-18 Dec 2015 in Los Angeles (San Pedro / Fort MacArthur).  A few seats still remain, with registration closing soon! .  Talk to me asap if interested.  Government pricing and cheap lodging on the base are absolutely possible but…you must act pretty quickly!  Registrations to date include leaders from public sector organizations at the city, county, and federal level.  Will be a very cool program!

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