Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hug an Engineer Today!

National Engineers Week was established in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers. This recognition celebrates the contribution that engineers have made to society while promoting the importance of science, technology, and mathematics.

Engineers are cool! They enjoy solving problems, figuring out how things work, how to make things better. They design roads, bridges, and websites. They build dams, cars, and nuclear reactors. They are paid well, are extremely good looking, and are the envy of all of their friends!

So I'm saying, hug an engineer! Not just because I am one, but because we should be thankful for the accomplishments of the engineers that build so many of the things that contribute to our quality of life. We should be greatful that engineers have taken the hard courses and have endured the taunts of "Nerd!" from their friends. And we should be thankful for those engineers who helped win wars, helped win the west, and who continue today to design and build cool things.

Hug an engineer. Tell young people about the many contributions of engineers around the world. Tell them to keep taking math and science courses...and about the world of possibilities that will open up to them when they pursue careers as engineers. Share with them that understanding how engineers solve problems is a leadership skill that will serve them well -- regardless of what career path they choose. And tell them that engineers are cool! Enjoy Engineers Week, everyone! Hooah!

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